What is this Newsletter?

  • Screen-free activities for all-round development of your 0-6 year old
  • Boost your child’s confidence towards a life of health, wealth & happiness

Brain Chain

Our nervous system is a big giant circuit of brain cells. These brain cells are called neurons. Synapses are a connection between these neurons that allows information to be passed

Brain Development

At birth, the human brain is in a remarkably unfinished state. At birth, the number of synapses per neuron is 2,500, but by age two or three, it’s about 15,000 synapses per neuron

Growth of the Brain

Initially a child’s brain is 25% of adult size which further becomes 80% by the age of 3. The number of neurons remains relatively stable at this age, but each neuron grows, becoming bigger and heavier

Stronger Bonds

Every time the child has a new experience these synapses are formed. After the age of 3, the synapses used and reused repeatedly are stored and the brain eliminates connections that are seldom or never used

*Making parenting decision based on research and not on ignorance

*Screen free activities from all round development of your toddler

*Information & tools to help parents raise their children with knowledge & confident

Weekly updates and screen free activities to accelerate your

    • Audio and Visual
  • CHIL
    • decision making
    • logical thinking
    • success traits
    • moral values